
First Annual Top Five Smells Awards

TFSA 2011! All the best smells are in attendance tonight, and boy, is Vanilla Bean turning heads in that shimmering off-white dress! Rumor has it that this year's judge totally made this up on the spot, and hasn't even considered many of the smells out there today. Notably absent are popular choices like Baking Cookies, Freshly-Cut Grapefruit, and Ocean Breezes, but the judge refuses to stand down.

1. Old Books. By extension, most good libraries and independently-owned bookstores. Careful though, some books don't age as well as others.

2. Damp Forest Floors. Any time of the year! This suite of smells is best enjoyed quietly and alone; it is meditative and ancient.

3. Coffee. Roasted beans > while brewing > while pouring, but all are great. A true classic, and best at sunrise or at breakfast with friends.

4. The Cold Wind That Leads A Stormfront. Actually, this one is my favorite, I think. Even better than night air through a bedroom window.

5. A Properly Maintained Barnyard. This is a great compound smell: animals, wood, gasoline, hay, leather, poop, mystery.


Hosea 6:6

I want you to show love,
      not offer sacrifices.

I want you to know me
      more than I want burnt offerings.


The Greatest Music Video

essence de voyage sur la route, la nostalgie, l'amour montage


NKU - 1980 to 2011

I must say, old NKU looks like a better time. Top photo is undated, but I'll place it pretty confidently in late spring or early fall of 1980, as BEP was finished in '79, and ST (building on left) groundbreaking was in '81. Still working on what the event was, though.

Pella Crossing


Another Available-light Portrait

Rob Kerby, Technical Director of the NKU Department of Theater and Dance.
I went to Paris with Erich Kerby, a history student, who recommended that I photograph his father for my project. The theater prop shop always looks amazing when I walk by, so I had planned on photographing Rob there on the floor. This morning as I peered around the shop for a good angle, Rob suggested we also try the stage, which is currently set for their production of Little Women.
